Grants and financial aid







You can find information on predoctoral grants and financial aid programmes here. The main programmes are:


Industrial Doctorate Programme (Government of Catalonia):

Participants in this programme carry out strategic research projects for companies and institutions in collaboration with the UPC. Publication: applications may be submitted at any time. Award decisions are issued four times a year. Further information:

Other programmes:

Admission certificates to apply for funding under this programme or others:

Before requesting an admission certificate, you must pre-enrol online. You can then send a request to Please specify the programme you are applying for.



Doctoral students are encouraged to undertake a period of study or research at a foreign university, research centre or institution during the course of their studies.
If the duration of the period of study or research is at least three months, students may apply to have an International Doctorate mention included in their doctoral degree certificate.

Before you leave

Please bear in mind:

  • For periods of study abroad lasting at least one month, the following documents must be submitted to the EEBE Academic Service:
    • Application for authorisation from the academic committee: approval and authorisation for the International Doctorate mention [form AA] , signed by you and your thesis supervisor(s).
    • A copy of an insurance policy that provides coverage for the entire period abroad. If your stay is extended, the insurance coverage must also be extended.
  • If you have an employment relationship with the UPC:
    • If you have an employment contract with the University and undertake a period of mobility with programme funding, follow the specific procedure that applies for the grant you have been awarded. Further information can be found at the Staff Portal for Teaching and Research Staff: General information > Leave – Academic activity > Staff with programme funding and research staff.
    • If you have an employment contract with the University and have not been awarded a grant under an official programme, you must request authorisation from your department. Further information can be found at the Staff Portal for Teaching and Research Staff: General information > Leave – Academic activity > Staff with programme funding and research staff.
  • In regard to funding for your period of study or research abroad:
    • If you apply for an Erasmus mobility grant, follow the process described by the Academic Management Service
    • For other grants, take the steps indicated in the programme guidelines.

For periods of study or research in an EU country, you must obtain a European Health Insurance Card.
We recommend that you check information on health, visas, schools and other administrative matters for the country you’ll be travelling to. You can find information on these and other matters on the website for the EURAXESS network (aimed at researchers undertaking stays around the world).

When you get back

You must submit the original copy of the attendance certificate for your period of study or research abroad (signed and stamped) to the EEBE Academic Service. The certificate must specify the start and end date of your stay. If the period of study or research is not funded under an official programme (with its own specific forms), you can download an attendance certificate form here.

We recommend that you request two signed originals (one to request an International Doctorate mention and the other for your grant). 


Other financial aid:

Insurance coverage:

Insurance policies must cover medical care, accidents, repatriation and civil liability for the entire period of your stay abroad. You can find general information here


Insurance companies:


Postdoctoral grants and financial aid