Work placement management

With the aim of improving the management of work placements, the UPC has launched a new application that will allow companies and students to carry out all the procedures online and in a more agile and efficient manner.

1. Work placement management process

The student consults the existing offers or makes their own proposal.

The student opens a ticket in Demana / Tramitació Convenis, and provides the necessary details.

Academic Management registers the details in the application and the student validates them in the e-secretaria

The company tutor writes and fills in the form for the training plan.
ACCES: Tutor's portal

Academic Management appoints an academic tutor, who validates the training plan.
ACCES E-secretaria:  Academic tutors

2. Agreement signature process

1. Company: The legal representative receives the agreement by e-mail, downloads it, signs it electronically and sends it back by e-mail.

2. Student: The student receives an e-mail with a direct link to the UPC electronic signature book
and signs the agreement with their student card.



3. EEBE: The director receives a notification that the agreement has been entered in the PUPC electronic signature book, and signs it, and all of the parties automatically receive the signed agreement by e-mail.

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