Student access to proposed final thesis topics

View proposed topics
Thesis election

Students must choose a topic that they are interested in developing as their final thesis. There are three ways to do this:

    • Choose one of the topics proposed by the EEBE on its list of proposed final thesis topics and talk to the professor concerned to reach an agreement before undertaking the thesis. 
    • By proposing a topic for the final thesis to the professor who will be the supervisor. If the final thesis is carried out at a company, there must be a work placement agreement or a specific in-company placement agreement  (further information).
    • Final theses can also be completed within the framework of a mobility programme.

In all cases (except type "Company" with internship agreement), after arranging for a professor to act as their thesis supervisor, students must register their thesis via the e-Secretaria.

Enrolment procedure

Final thesis enrolment consists of the following stages:

  1. Registration of the proposed topic in the e-Secretaria by the EEBE student concerned.
  2. Approval of the thesis registration in PRISMA by the academic staff member who will supervise the thesis.
  3. Change of the status of the registered thesis in the e-Secretaria: “Registered and accepted”.

From that point on, students may enrol for the thesis, within the period indicated on the academic calendar, provided that they meet the final thesis enrolment requirements.