Thesis defence

N.B.: From the 2021-2022 academic year onwards, final thesis defences will take place in person.

Definition of terms

  • The defence of a final thesis consists of two phases:
    • The student’s presentation of a summary of the content of their final thesis. 
          • It is recommended that the presentation of the final thesis should be no longer than 25 minutes in the case of a bachelor's thesis, 30 minutes in the case of a master's thesis, and 50 minutes  in the case of a single Double bachelor's thesis.
          • If a bachelor's thesis is intended to demonstrate the generic competency “foreign language”, the thesis must be written in that language and the defence must be conducted in the same language.
    • The student’s defence of their thesis in response to questions from the examiners.
  • Although its use is not mandatory, it is recommended that the assessment rubric for final theses be considered while preparing a thesis and when it is defended.
  • Bachelor's and Master’s thesis presentations are always public (unless this is not possible due to confidentiality restrictions). 
  • Theses completed during a period of study abroad will be defended at the host university in accordance with the regulations that apply to thesis supervision and presentation at that institution.

Organisation of the thesis defence

  • Final theses will be conducted in person

Other attendees

  • Bear in mind that bachelors' and master’s thesis presentations are always public (unless this is not possible due to confidentiality restrictions). 
  • Audience members will be reminded that they do not have the right to speak or vote and that the chair may expel them from the thesis defence if they do not conduct themselves in a respectful manner. 

Processing of assessment documents

See the section on Functions of the secretary of the examination committee


NEW:    Thesis defences calendar

Further information:


NEW: Confidenciality agreement for examiners disappears

