
Calendar and requiered documents for the enrolment (students previously enrolled)



Enrolment calendar

Available subjects:

  • The possible available range of subjects to enrol will be displayed after 6 of February at 14.00h on e-secretaria.
  • You will must enroll all those subjects that you have failed below 4, not attended or not enrolled in previous semesters, acoording the  Academic Regulations.

Online enrolment turn:

  • You will be able to check your online enrolment turn on e-Secretaria_"Enrolment/ Enrolment conditions" after 6 of February at 14h. The deadline to enrol the choosen subjects is 10th of February at 23.59 h.
  • If you don't see your online turn and you have been enroled before at EEBE you should contact to "Gestión Académica" at


Master students previously enrolled at EEBE, will register online on e-Secretaria "automatrícula", on the following dates:


7th February (from the time indicated until 10 February at 23.59 h)

Enrolment on e-secretaria

Username & Password recovery or changes: Identitat Digital de la UPC.


Requiered documents

The requiered documents related to Tuition discounts  can be submitted to "Gestión Académica" at until 10 February 2023.

Orden SEPA