Erasmus Mundus International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE)
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The International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering is a joint degree program offered by Ghent University, the University of Edinburgh, Lund University, and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. This program prepares students for professional roles in the dynamic field of fire safety engineering. Participants will acquire a comprehensive and high-level understanding through the combined expertise of these four partners, each a leader in fire safety engineering (FSE) research and education in Europe. The program's mobility structure, allowing for possible changes in study location each semester, offers students unique opportunities to benefit from the strengths and specialized knowledge of each institution.
Pre-enrollment open until until January 31 applying for a scholarship, and until May 31 for not applying for a scholarship.
Academic information
Basic information
- General information
Career opportunities, registration, prices - Scolarships
- Finances
- Partners & Representatives
- Study Programme, Programme Goals & Learning Outcome
- Calendars (Info in catalan)
- TFM (Master's thesis)
- Degrees coordinators
Complementary activities
- External Academic Traineeship (info in catalan)
- Career guidance (Info in catalan)
- Cooperation activities (info in catalan)
Find all the resources that might be useful to you:
Free classroom, Tutoring, Special educational needs, Scholarships and Grants, Psychological support and others.
It might interest you too! (Information in catalan)
Academic management contact (Information in catalan)
Office for managing procedures related to the academic record
Office for the management of educational cooperation agreements
Office for managing academic exchanges with other universities
until January 31st for those applying for a scholarship, and until June 30th for those not applying for a scholarship