
Economic Compensation

  • In compensation for the traineeship carried out, the entity undertakes to pay directly to the student an amount, in the form of a scholarship or study aid. For external entities, the recommended advisory price is 8 euros per hour in all modes, with a minimum of 6 euros per hour.
  • A retention must be applied to the study aid received by the student in traineeship, as income tax, as determined by current tax and labour regulations. Consult the website of the Tax Agency.
  • In terms of management expenses, UPC directly bills the entity 15.70% of the total amount of the scholarship or study aid that the entity satisfies to the student. This amount applies to VAT (21%) at the billing date. In case that the entities maintain debts corresponding to these management expenses with the UPC, the school will reserve itself the right to make new agreements and / or publish job offers with these companies.
  • In the curricular modality, the Social Security fee bonus is 100%.
  • In the extracurricular modality the Social Security quota is not deductible.