
Traineeship programs

Curricular Traineeship

  • Academic activities that are part of the syllabus, have the same consideration as any other subject of the university.
  • They are optional (except in case of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering).
  • In the degree cases, the reconigtion is 12 ECTS (360h).
  • In the cases of Master:
  • Should be registered a priori, they have assigned an academic tutor and a tutor of the collaborating entity, they are evaluated and qualified.
  • They must be linked to the training contents of the syllabus.

Extracurriculars Traineeship

  • They have the same conditions as the curricular traineeship, but they are not part of the syllabus either of their academic record. They are incorporated into the European Title Supplement.
  • Extracurricular traineeship can not be recognized for curricular traineeship.
  • The student will have to make the decision when applying for the internship.

Linked Traineeship TFG/TFM

Traineeship at UPC

  • They will always be curricular, in case of 12 optional subjects (360h), in case of Master, they can be 12 or 18 credits (360h-540h).
  • They must be tutored by a member (professor / researcher) of the basic unit, and validated by the coordinator of the degree that will be the academic tutor of the traineeship at the same time.
  • The monitoring and evaluation will follow the same procedure as any other traineeship.

Traineeship to School Projects (EEBE)

A school project is an activity developed in the EEBE supervised by an academic, in which students from the school participate. This kynd of activity must be approved by the corresponding government bodies and must be legally constituted as an association at the UPC. In these cases, the model and management of external curricular traineeship will be maintained, defining that the company tutor is a relevant member of the association and the academic tutor is a member of the teaching staff responsible for the project. When the projects have a duration of two consecutive years, the enrollment of credits will be divided into two (6 + 6). Currently these school projects are: ePowered Racing, e-Tech Racing, Pucra.