

Designation and communication

  • The designation of the Committee for the presentations and defenses of each call, as well as the alternate members that are required, is established by the Deputy Director of Studies.
  • Academic area will communicate the appointment to the members of the committee and to the students

Committee Characteristics

  • El tribunal estarà format per tres membres del professorat assignats a l'EEBE.
      • The Committee will consist of three members of the teaching staff assigned to the EEBE.
      • The President of the Committee will be a PDI, assigned to the EEBE, from the same Department as the Director of the TFG / TFM that will be evaluated
      • Will include a “Spokesman” chosen among the teaching staff of the School and assigned to a different Department than the Director of the TFG / TFM that will be evaluated
  • Three alternate members will also be appointed: one for the President, one for the Secretary and one for the Spokesman.
  • When a TFG / TFM has been carried out on a team, it will be evaluated by the same Committee and in the same session for all the students that are part of the team