
Conferència "New advances in physical simulation of metallurgical processes"


El dia 1 de desembre, el Dr. Ilchat Sabirov, impartirà una interessant conferència a l'EEBE.

El Dr. Ilchat Sabirov, reconegut investigador d'IMDEA_Materials, impartirà l'1 de desembre a les 12 hores, a la sala polivalent de l'edifici I, una interessant conferència totalment gratuïta i dirigida a tota la comunitat universitària, però especialment, a l'estudiantat de màster i doctorat. Us deixem un extracte dels aspectes que exposarà. No us la perdeu!


"The presentation will focus on the novel methods for physical simulation of metallurgical processes developed recently at IMDEA Materials Institute. The methods cover a wide range of metallurgical processes, such as forging, extrusion, rolling, casting and joining. It is demonstrated that the physical simulation methods are able to predict precisely the microstructure (grain size, phase composition, dendritic structure, etc.) and mechanical properties (hardness) of bulk metallic materials, as well as microstructure and properties of interfaces developed during joining of dissimilar metallic materials, if the parameters of the metallurgical process are precisely reproduced in the thermo-mechanical simulator. The advantages of application of these methods in development of novel thermo-mechanical processing routes are shown. Physical simulation of the metallurgical processes using thermo-mechanical simulator minimizes the amount of material for such experimental work as well as increases the efficiency of experimental work, thus reducing its cost."