Structure of the Programme
The organisation of study periods including the minimum mobility requirements and the mutual recognition of the learning outcomes/credits.
The mobility scheme will be the following:
- semesters 1 and 2 will be offered in Politecnico di Milano and in Politecnico di Torino; the cohort of student will be equally split among the two institutions;
- in semester 3 students will move to one of the other universities of the consortium (NTNU in Trondheim-NO, UPC in Barcelona-SP and TU Eindhoven in Eindhoven-NL), to attend the specialization tracks;
- the semester 4 will consist in an Internship for the preparation of the Master Thesis, taking place either in industry or in a research laboratory in or out of the consortium.

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is fully implemented and applied to the HySET programme at all partner universities. It facilitates the recognition of study periods at the partner universities based on the related learning outcomes and workload, and provides transparency to the transfer of grades among the universities.
The students’ grades from each semester will be transferred into the common grading system (ECTS grades) in order to prepare the Diploma Supplement for the Degree.