Master's degree in Polymers and Bioplastics
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The master's degree in Polymers and Bioplastics aims to provide specialized scientific and technological training in the field of polymers and bioplastics, both in the industrial and research aspects. It provides students with the necessary tools to be able to join research, technological, and industrial centers focused on the development of polymeric materials.
Academic information
Basic information
- General information
Career opportunities, registration, prices - TFM (Master's thesis)
- Academic procedures (Info in catalan)
- Degrees coordinators
Complementary activities
- External Academic Traineeship (info in catalan)
- Mobility (Info in catalan)
- Career guidance (Info in catalan)
- Cooperation activities (info in catalan)
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Free classroom, Tutoring, Special educational needs, Scholarships and Grants, Psychological support and others.
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Academic management contact (Information in catalan)
Office for managing procedures related to the academic record
Office for the management of educational cooperation agreements
Office for managing academic exchanges with other universities