External Academic Traineeship

EEBE promotes the participation of its undergraduate and university Master's students, in professional traineeship that can be carried out in companies, institutions or public or private entities of national or international scope, to complete their university education.

The traineeship of the university student are carried out under the supervision of the school, and they constitute a formative activity that has by purpose:

  • Apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their university academic training
  • Favor the practical acquisition of competences for the exercise of professional activities
  • Obtain practical experience that improves employability and the insertion into the labor market

Curricular Traineeship

  • Academic activities that are part of the syllabus, have the same consideration as any other subject of the university.
  • They are optional (except in case of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering).
  • In the degree cases, the reconigtion is 12 ECTS (360h).
  • In the cases of Master:
  • Students who have a placement from a higher training cycle (CFGS) validated may enrol up to 12 elective ECTS credits for external placements.
  • Should be registered a priori, they have assigned an academic tutor and a tutor of the collaborating entity, they are evaluated and qualified.
  • They must be linked to the training contents of the syllabus.
  • Students taking double bachelor’s degrees may enrol for 12 optional ECTS credits for 360 hours of work placement, except in the case of the double bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Electronics and Automatic Control Engineering, for which placements are compulsory and 12 compulsory ECTS credits must be enrolled for; optional curricular placements are not possible in this case. In the case of the double bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering and Electrical Engineering, placements may be considered specific to the bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering as long as this is validated in the work plan.

    In the case of the bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, placements are compulsory, although the student may go on to do another 180 hours (6 ECTS credits) at the same company as an optional placement.

Extracurriculars Traineeship

  • They have the same conditions as the curricular traineeship, but they are not part of the syllabus either of their academic record. They are incorporated into the European Title Supplement.
  • Extracurricular traineeship can not be recognized for curricular traineeship.
  • The student will have to make the decision when applying for the internship.

Linked Traineeship TFG/TFM

Traineeship at UPC

  • They will always be curricular, in case of 12 optional subjects (360h), in case of Master, they can be 12 or 18 credits (360h-540h). They must be paid placements. Hours and student financial aid are
    calculated as follows:
    • 5 hours per week: €175 gross per month, 10 hours per week: €350 gross per month, 15 hours per week: €525 gross per month, 20 hours per week: €700 gross per month.
  • They must be tutored by a member (professor / researcher) of the basic unit, and validated by the coordinator of the degree that will be the academic tutor of the traineeship at the same time.
  • The School may exceptionally exempt compulsory curricular placements, as defined in the degree's validation report, from student financial aid.
  • The monitoring and evaluation will follow the same procedure as any other traineeship.

Traineeship to School Projects (EEBE)

https://eebe.upc.edu/ca/estudis/assignatures-desenvolupament-de-projectes-i-ii (info in catalan)


Once the student knows who is his/her academic tutor of the traineeship, will have to contact him/her to have a first meeting and validate the presented work plan. The student can not start the traineeship without the signature of the tutor.

When the stay ends, the tutor / academic tutor will evaluate the traineeship, taking into account the memory delivered by the student, the oral presentation and the final report of the collaborating entity prepared by the external tutor. This memory will also have to include the student satisfaction questionnaire.

The final report of the collaborating entity is a questionnaire that the entity's tutor must complete. This document will be take into consideration by the academic tutor at the moment of the evaluation.

The final grade of the subject will be determined by the academic tutor according to the following parameters:

  • The assessment carried out by the professional tutor of the collaborating entity.
  • The follow-up carried out by the academic tutor.
  • The memory and oral presentation and delivery of the satisfaction survey by the student.

Taking into account the following weights:

  • 50% qualification of the academic tutorial on the memory and oral defence for the student
  • 50% qualification of the academic tutorial based on the report issued by the tutor of the collaborating entity.

Once the traineeship is evaluated, the academic tutor will complete the corresponding minutes, sign it and send it to Academic Management along with the memory.

  • In compensation for the traineeship carried out, the entity undertakes to pay directly to the student an amount, in the form of a scholarship or study aid. For external entities, the recommended advisory price is 8 euros per hour in all modes, with a minimum of 6 euros per hour.
  • A retention must be applied to the study aid received by the student in traineeship, as income tax, as determined by current tax and labour regulations. Consult the website of the Tax Agency.
  • In terms of management expenses, UPC directly bills the entity 15.70% of the total amount of the scholarship or study aid that the entity satisfies to the student. This amount applies to VAT (21%) at the billing date. In case that the entities maintain debts corresponding to these management expenses with the UPC, the school will reserve itself the right to make new agreements and / or publish job offers with these companies.
  • In the curricular modality, the Social Security fee bonus is 100%.
  • In the extracurricular modality the Social Security quota is not deductible.

The student who wishes to develop the TFG / TFM in a company, will be able to do it like:

  • Punctual stays (data collection, visits ...). It will be necessary to complete this document.

    The student will be in charge of processing the external signatures and handing it out to Academic Management.

  • Continuous stay and at a concret time and period.
    In this case an  educational cooperation agreement linked to the TFG or TFM registration must be processed. In case of TFM of 12 credits, the minimum duration of the agreement will be 360 hours and a maximum of 540 hours. In case of the TFG of 24, the minimum agreement will be 540h and maximum 1260h. Taking into account the accumulated hours of other practices in the same academic year, both of Master and Degree.

The tutoring of the practice will be linked to the development of the TFG and the tutor of the traineeship will be the same speaker that of the work. The evaluation will be the defense of work itself.