Erasmus Mundus master's degree in Sustainable Systems Engineering (EMSSE)
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The Erasmus Mundus master's degree in Sustainable Systems Engineering (EMSSE) equips students with the knowledge and skills to create systems that are efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly. We prioritise considering the environmental, economic and social impact of a system throughout its entire lifecycle, from design and development to operation and maintenance. The overarching objective of the EMSSE is to design pioneering career paths and curricula for future systems engineering professionals, with a specific emphasis on sustainability and innovation.
The programme offers a specific student mobility agreement and three distinct paths, focusing on Systems Engineering (SoSE, Università di Genova), Methodology in Prediction and Optimisation Strategies for Systems Engineering (AOS, Université de Technologie de Compiègne) and Manufacturing Systems (AMS, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Graduates are awarded a joint degree by all partner HEIs, alongside a joint Diploma Supplement.
Application stage and admission requeriments.
Curriculum at UPC
Curriculum / Course guides / Subject's coordinators
Academic structure
Structure and detailed content.
Timetables and Exams
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Academic information
Basic information
Complementary activities
- Professional orientantion (Info in catalan)
- Cooperation activities (info in catalan)
You need to know
Find all the resources that might be useful to you:
Free classroom, Tutoring, Special educational needs, Scholarships and Grants, Psychological support and others.
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Academic management contact (Information in catalan)
Office for managing procedures related to the academic record
Office for the management of educational cooperation agreements
Office for managing academic exchanges with other universities